Our Mission

We begin with each child and work alongside families, colleagues and community to support and guide each other in providing a nurturing, safe and loving environment where all children thrive.

Everyday offers a new adventure: our children are listened to and supported in their curiosity to explore and learn. Little Peanuts is full of happiness and compassion for the whole community.

“Let’s see what you bought at the shop today”

“Let’s see what you bought at the shop today”

Creativity, independence and self-confidence

Our nursery provides an enchanting and rewarding early learning environment suitable for the needs of all children. Led by our dedicated and caring staff, ensuring they develop their creativity, independence and self-confidence ready for their journey beyond Little Peanuts. We recognise that parents and carers are the child’s first educator. Throughout your child’s time with us, we will always work closely with you to develop a strong partnership between home and our setting and maintain strong links. We believe that education is a collaborative process and we value each other’s knowledge, skills, and values in the education of your child.

A budding artist developing his style

A budding artist developing his style


Child-centred approach

At Little Peanuts we have a wholly child centred approach to our provision. Each individual child is placed at the centre of our community and their wellbeing is paramount. Central to being able to create this is that all staff know all children really well: staff always work closely with families to ensure that their knowledge of the children is informed by their own time with the children within the setting, alongside what happens in the child’s wider experiences. We see the role of adults as the child’s key supporters and we all work together to help each child to grow in confidence and independence.

“Is there any tea left for me?”

“Is there any tea left for me?”


“We see the role of adults as the child’s key supporters and we all work together to help each child to grow in confidence and independence.”


Teamwork, problem-solving, independence and creativity

Children can only have this quality of experience if their emotional wellbeing is fully attended to and our focus on outdoor learning and our forest school is a vital element of this. Outdoor play has a wealth of benefits and we ensure that children can choose to play outside for much of every day. In particular, we value our forest school for the life skills that it can help our children to develop, such as teamwork, problem-solving, independence and creativity. Our use of the Curiosity Approach® further enhances our focus both on nature and on wellbeing, creating a warm and welcoming environment, full of natural resources which stimulate each child’s innate curiosity. We always strive to generate an atmosphere where children become deeply engaged in whatever activity they choose.

A (supervised) visit to the beach for two friends

A (supervised) visit to the beach for two friends


In The Moment Planning

Our child-led learning approach uses In The Moment Planning so staff are always engaged with the children, on their level, responding to their play and spotting teachable moments in order to support them in making good progress. Little Peanuts children feel at ease in their surroundings, secure in their attachments with the adults in our setting. Their voice is always heard, and they are free to engage their own interests as they play, learn and explore.